Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 148


Hundreds of Books in the Palm of Your Hand

Here is the Kindle I got for Mother's Day. LOVE it! I spend more time uploading free books than I do reading! If I don't Know what to read next, I browse the best sellers at any time of night. It helps fulfill my shopping addiction on a budget.

I use to be one of those people who thought they would miss the feel of the page in my hands, but the perks win out. The productive side of me adores keeping track of what percentage of a particular book I have read. The only problem is when John and I want to read at the same time. He will have to have his own eventually.

Now I am on the lookout for a cute cover, preferable before I drop it and break it. I've been luck with my iPhone so far. Hopefully the luck will carry over!