I stated a few posts back how much I love my mother. I really appreciate it when she poses because I know how much she hates it. And when someone doesn't want to pose, they really don't cooperate for very long. Case in point.
I could have had a bunch of good photos, but I only had a couple minutes to work with a woman who, although quite beautiful, refuses to give a good smile and continues to say, "Are we done yet?" I believe the fact that she seldom shops for herself or puts on makeup makes her self conscious.
I also see myself becoming more like her every day. So I am trying to Fight the Power and do a little for myself now and then. Because at the end of my life I don't want to look back and have people say, "Now who was it that shot all these pictures?" With the powerful tool of the delete button under my finger tips, that could very easily happen, and does frequently.
Here's to hoping that while the adorable little girl in this photo realizes the value of inner beauty, she never stops taking care of herself. May she maintain the true beauty that she is on the inside and out. A lesson her mother needs to be modeling!
P.S. Mom, you are beautiful!